Citizenship Deprivation Campaign

In December 2021, we started a campaign against the Government’s Nationality and Borders Bill. Amongst its proposed horrific measures, it promised to extend the powers of the Home Secretary to strip people of their British citizenship without notice. 

what we campaign for

Revocation of all citizenship deprivation powers

Though it is illegal under international law to leave someone stateless, the UK Government have avoided this by targeting people who are dual nationals and those it argues are entitled to the citizenship of another country through their parents.

Such legislation serves as a constant threat to minority ethnic citizens, and specifically British Muslims, resigning them into 'undeserving' racialised groups, unworthy of being British.

We’re calling for:

The revocation of all citizenship deprivation powers, removing the UK’s two tier citizenship system.

Demand action against the Government’s Nationality and Borders Bill

Also in this section

Working for a free Palestine Support the Uyghur Ending citizenship deprivation Tackling the rise of living costs

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