volunteer with the youth team

Our Youth Team are dedicated to the spiritual and practical development of British Muslim youth. If working with the next generation is something you enjoy, we’d love to have you on board. 

How can i get involveD?

You could help organise our next adventure day, host a podcast or get involved with strategic planning. Whatever it is, we’re waiting to hear from you!


Thaqib’s story

I initially started volunteering with MAB in 2016 because I loved the vibe of the Birmingham MAB mosque. There was a true sense of community there. The mosque hosted scouts groups, various teaching circles and lots of community activities. I joined the local and national MAB teams and really benefitted from all the training that was provided for members. There has always been a culture of outreach and professionalism in MAB, and that has been a big part of what has kept me volunteering for so long.

Thaqib has been volunteering for our local and national youth teams for 6 years.
He's an Automotive Engineer based in Manchester.

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